Note From The Founders

Working cross-culturally means that we must challenge our own ideas about how life should work. It means that we must recognize that we have blind spots in every interaction. We are always operating without a complete and perfect picture, and the picture that we have is always shaped by our own cultural lens and life experiences.

Our involvement in charity work began in 2018 in Thailand, where we were involved in the developing stages of a charity Vocational College to provide free education, boarding and food to underprivileged students from the ages of 15  – 24 from all over Thailand.

From 2018 – 2021 we worked as English Teachers, we would not only work as teachers, but as mentors to students and organizers of sport days, events and fundraisers.

Therapy On Wheels was inspired while we, Andrew Peters and Micheala du Toit were living and traveling abroad through South East Asia, Asia and Southern Africa, where we noticed that many of the local people in the outlying areas love their community and country, and are willing to do whatever it takes to make it a better place, yet lack the necessary resources and/or skills to implement those dreams. 

Therapy On Wheels is a small organization with a big dream – that every person has access to the therapy, resources and skills that they need to live a healthy sustainable lifestyle.

Our goal with Therapy On Wheels is to provide what we couldn’t find while traveling the globe – resources and skills in outlying communities that provide a healthy sustainable lifestyle.

Join us in giving who you are. You may discover more of yourself along the way.

– Andrew Peters & Micheala du Toit
Founders, Therapy On Wheels